PNOZ safety relays
PNOZ – The optimum safety solution for every requirement
PNOZ safety relay/safety relays
PNOZ safety relays; It monitors safety functions such as emergency stop, safety doors, light barriers, light curtains, two-handed control devices, speed, stop status, as well as many other safety functions. PNOZ safety relays prove themselves every day in millions of applications around the world.
In 1987 Pilz patented the first emergency stop relay used to protect people and machines. This marked one of the milestones in safety technology. PNOZ safety relays have quickly become the most widely used safety relays around the world. Safety relays come to mind when PNOZ is mentioned. PNOZ – Original!
As a result of continuous developments in the following process, the global safety standard for simple devices myPNOZ modular safety relay, configurable PNOZmulti small controller and machines has been reached.
Monitoring relays
Electrical safety for every application
Thanks to monitoring relays; Protection of persons and machines against dangers arising from insulation failures, residual voltage, over-voltage, over-current, overload, and over-temperature, as well as correct power with stopping, are prioritized. It not only significantly reduces dangerous situations for people and machines, but also extends the service life of your plant. Save costs and guarantee an efficient production cycle. Achieve it all using monitoring relays!
These monitoring relays are multifunctional and generally applicable as they cover a wide range of applications. You can use PMD monitoring relays to comply with IEC 60204-1 requirements to meet electrical safety in your machines.
line monitoring devices
Maximum safety for long cable routes – with PLIDdys!
PLIDdys safety line tracer PLIDdys safety line tracer ensures safe operation on two-wire connections, providing maximum safety on long cable runs. With PLIDdys, accidental power-on or plant start-up in the event of an error can be prevented. This is particularly useful in interconnected plants or in plant sections scattered over a large area that are not always clearly visible.
Brake controllers
Safety relay PNOZ s50 for safety brake control
Safety relay PNOZ s50 Applications with safety brakes and holding brakes require reliable brake monitoring. This eliminates all dangers for the user – even when the drive is not electrically connected. With the independent safety relay PNOZ s50, Pilz offers an economical solution for controlling two safety brakes up to EN ISO 13849-1 PL category. In the safety relay PNOZ s50, temporary overexcitation is performed after voltage reduction for adjustable parameters. Short aeration times as a result of supporting your application to be more energy efficient. On the one hand, the safety brake control allows for fast switching in an emergency. On the other hand, it provides slow and low-wear switching in normal operation, thus reducing maintenance requirements.
PES – Logic PNOZsigma control panel
Training system for professional training support: Implementation of safety circuits
Logik PNOZsigma control panel PES – The Logik PNOZsigma control panel is part of the comprehensive modules of Pilz Training Systems (PES). These modular training systems consist of modern, industrially applied components for practical training. PES modules simulate the functions of machines or systems and are used for training purposes. These consist of different safety and automation functions clearly arranged in one control panel.
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